The majority of Americans disagree with President Biden and the Democrats' plans to phase out conventional gas-powered vehicles nationwide by 2035.

The survey found that 59% of Americans are against banning gas-powered automobiles and trucks by 2035.

while only 21% said they would be thrilled if the U.S. implemented such a policy.

Moreover, the poll's findings revealed that Republicans oppose phasing out gas-powered vehicles by 2035.

Democrats support it by a majority of 64% to 35%, while Republicans do so by an 84% to 16% margin.

Additionally, the majority of Americans doubt that the country could develop the necessary infrastructure.

It is to assist consumers in making a quick transition to electric automobiles.

Only 17% of American adults are very or extremely certain that it is doable,compared to 30% who are only slightly confident and 53% who are not.